Hope for the World

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This is not a library sponsored event.

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This is the initiative of several individuals who looked around and started worrying about the turmoil in the world and if a world at peace with itself was possible . We would like to see an interfaith initiative started in Davis County similar to the Interfaith Round Table in Salt Lake City. This would be a kick-off event where we would just be inviting people from as many communities of faith as we can reach (and who are interested) to come together and share spontaneous prayers, prayers or readings from their own traditions, or thoughts about a peaceful world (eg from figures like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr). Our plan is to prepare some readings or videos of readings as "seeds" in case people are shy or just want to come and participate by listening reflectively but are hopeful that those of us not in on the planning will have offerings to share. It will *absolutely* be open to the public!